Friday, May 9, 2008

What's Next???

I've gotten a few questions about what is next - from a running and blogging perspective.

Now that I have met my goal of finishing a marathon, it's time to re-evaluate and set new goals.  Perhaps I'll set goals around new PR times for shorter race distances - sub-25 min 5K?, sub-54 min 10K?, sub 2:10 half marathon?  Maybe I'll try to run with others more and make it more of a social hobby for me?  Perhaps it's a goal for yearly mileage (I'm on pace to reach 1,000 miles for the year...that would be pretty cool, eh?)

I'm not sure what I'll be doing yet.  However, I'm pretty sure there will be no more 2008 marathons for me :-)

I have a few half marathons on my radar:  Riley's Rumble (July 27) is one that I have run the last two years and I ran the Parks Half Marathon (September 14) last year.  Both of these are doable schedule wise.  Perhaps I'll try a larger one later in the year that coincides with a Marathon????  We'll see.

On the blogging side, there is also some uncertainty.  I'm pretty sure I'll keep the blog active and keep it focused on my running.  Again...we'll see.

Stay tuned!

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