Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sunday Afternoon Cross Training

This morning was my wife's turn to work out...only fair, I went out to run yesterday morning.  So, I was with the kids in the early morning while she went to the gym and I was delegated to a "rest day".

However, I found a "loop-hole".  My older son had a birthday party to attend this I offered to drop him off or pick him up and I would go to the gym during the birthday party - score!

I did 30 minutes of the elliptical machine and then some stretching and crunches.  Not enough stretching and crunches, but you have to start somewhere...

This week I'm hoping to get back on track with the training plan.  30 min tempo run tomorrow, Hill Sprints on Wednesday, Short Strides on Friday and a Long Run on the weekend.  I'm thinking I may run the Riley's Rumble 1/2 marathon next Sunday for my long run.  I've run it the last two years and I like it because it's cheap (it is a "low-key" race of the Montgomery County Road Runners Club).  Otherwise I would hate it because it's hot, humid and a demanding course with lots of steep hills.  I'm not sure if a half marathon is a good thing at this point - since my long run the past two weeks have been 6 and 7 miles - however, it's a great opportunity to run 13 miles on a course with water stations (instead of schlepping my own water) and some other people to help you along.

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