Saturday, February 13, 2010

Sinus Infection

I went to the doctor yesterday morning after feeling yucky for almost a full week.

It's official. I have a sinus infection. I got me some antibiotics to try and kick this thing out of my system - and at least get rid of some of the congestion before I travel to California on Monday morning.

Who knows, if I feel better enough by tomorrow, perhaps I'll even go for a run...


Zoomy said...

Ugh, I feel your pain! I have been hyper-prone to sinus infections for probably 10 years. What helps most is using a neti pot at the first sign of sinus congestion. I have gone from 2-3/year to maybe one every-other year.

I thought I was coming down with one in the past few days, but it was just a sinus headache. It was coming and going, but yesterday it stuck around all day. Today it's much better.

I hope the antibiotics work fast. In the past I would suffer for a week or two, then get fed up. Within 48 hours I'd feel like a new woman.

Mike Fox said...

My doctor recommended the neti pot earlier in the week. I started using it and I'm convinced that it was the reason this all stayed in my sinuses and didn't travel to my chest. I likely could have beaten the thing with another week of neti pot treatment, but given I'm flying on Monday I didn't want to chance having a horrible flight.

The whole neti pot process is a little gross though...dontcha think???

Zoomy said...

Oh, god...I had a head cold when we traveled back from Vegas. That was HORRIBLY painful. Next time I fly I am trying some ear devices that release pressure. I really thought my eardrums were going to rupture and I couldn't hear anything for hours.

sinus surgery Los Angeles said...

Sinus is a very painful illness and there needs severe treatment for the same to keep a hectic work life and schedule alive.There are many helpful surgeries in the light which do show a lot of remedy and relief.

sinus surgery Los Angeles said...

Sinus is a very painful illness and there needs severe treatment for the same to keep a hectic work life and schedule alive.There are many helpful surgeries in the light which do show a lot of remedy and relief.