I ended up settling in at a 10:00/mile pace for most of the run - splits were 10:00, 9;57, 10:04. Great, right? Well, sort of. My average HR on each of the miles were 146, 157 and 159. That's way too high for an easy 3 mile run.
I've pretty much come to terms that there will be no PR for me at next weekend's Run For The Shelter Half Marathon. Right now my race plan is this - keep the HR under 155 for the first 6.5 miles, run the next 3.5 miles at a bit of a faster pace (HR in the 155- 165 range) and if there is anything left in the tank, run the last 5K as fast as I can. This way I can (a) enjoy the race at the beginning and (b) almost ensure myself a negative split. Got to find those silver linings somewhere, right?
So, I'm planning to do a 6 miler this weekend - most likely on Sunday. My plan there is to keep my HR under 155 - to kind of simulate the first 6 miles of the race. This will be difficult as it looks like I tend to push the pace to what "feels right" - and right now it's likely too fast for me. I hope I can pull in the reigns and pull it off.
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